Monday, June 6, 2011

Surprise Out My Window June 06,2011

It's 8:30 in the morning. I'd finished my post on Good Morning Monday.  I walked into the computer room to get my camera and what do I see out my window by the deer feeder? A beautiful doe licking on the salt lick.

Don't move to fast, she'll see you.  Take some more pictures!  Hurry before she leaves!

The fence is in the way! But if I go upstairs she'll be gone.  Take some more pictures!!

Hurry! Run upstairs quick!  But be quiet!.........She's still there, take a picture!

Oh darn!!! The flash was on!  Try again!

She sure is beautiful!

Perfect Picture!
Thank you Little Doe, for sharing your land with me!


  1. Cathy - you were really excited to get those photos. I don't feed the deer at my place because they will take advantage of my plants as their salad bar. Don't they bother your plants?

  2. No,i haven't had any problems yet. I've seen thier tracks in the garden by the fence but luckily they don't seem to come in the yard. If they do I'll get that critter spray that keeps them off. And I also try to buy deer resistant plants.
